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We all have those days when we just don't feel it. Even though we may absolutely be passionate and truly in love with our craft, there are times we feel unmotivated to get the work done. No matter how obsessed with your craft you are, every single being on this planet experiences such moments. And this type of burnout feelings that we face are totally normal and common. But the difference between ONE OF THE BEST and just THE BEST is the willpower to show up even on the days when you don't feel like it. It's easy to grind when you are all pumped up and motivated but what separates the greats from the average is their ability to push through boredom and the moments when they "don't feel like it ".


No, I don't mean to say that you should be working hard 365 days of the year. Taking breaks and time away from the work has its own place and is totally needed sometimes to refuel the energy. I'm referring to the tiny hinges we feel on certain days about demotivation but we know we are supposed to get the work done and we've had enough of rest. 

This is an overly common problem, especially in this new digital generation. It is a natural human tendency to falsely believe the work is completed even when it actually isn't. Have a look at this phrase: "My name is Jack".  If I had not typed the last e in the second-word name, like, "My nam is Jack", you would've probably still understood the message that the phrase is actually trying to convey which is the person's name is Jack. Basically, you understood the underlying message of the phrase even though the phrase was incomplete. Similarly, our mind sometimes feels that the necessary work is done even though the work isn't completed.

So how do we get out of this rut?

1. Reflect on the results:

Everything we do produces an output or a result. It may be negative and positive. I want you to reflect on the positive outcomes that will be produced if you execute the work and the negative results that will be a consequence of skipping the work as a result of prioritizing instant gratification. This will alarm your brain that getting the work is done is more important than feeling instant gratification through procrastination. As a matter of fact, you may experience a slight rush of instant gratification after you reflect on the results. 

2. Revive the productive aura:

Everyone has those days in their life when they have been extremely productive and surpassed expectations. You can turn on your productivity like a switch sometimes if you take a minute to recall that particular extremely productive day. Focus mainly on visualizing the exact sought of the feeling of accomplishment and relief you experienced after completing the task at hand on that productive day. Slowly, progress to recalling the feelings of all five senses you felt. What you heard, what you saw, what you felt, etc. Doing this will reawaken the neuropathways that had been activated on that particular day. This activation will result in a sense of motivation and an increase in the willpower to get the work done. 

3. The 5 Second Rule:

We all have an average of a 5-second window in which we can move from idea to action before our brain kicks into full gear and sabotages any change in our behavior because your brain is wired and programmed to stop you from doing stuff that uncomfortable. We all know what we are supposed to do but the problem pop-up when the time comes to take action. The 5-second rule initiated by the great author Mel Robbins says that when you get the idea of doing work, just count 5-1 backward (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) and jump right into taking that action. This is a trick to outsmart the tricks played by your brain. Counting from 5 backward interrupts the habit loops that are running in the part of your brain for your feelings and emotions to take place. So it interrupts your temptation to take a day off and wakes you up signaling your brain to get the work done. 

4. Decision Fatigue:

We all take a lot of decisions in a day. Every single action we perform is due to our choice or decision to execute that particular task. Making decisions takes up energy which is limited throughout the day. So the more you allow your brain to think and make decisions, the more you lose your energy and feel fatigued. This phenomenon is known as "decision fatigue". Decision fatigue can be avoided by setting up a fixed pre-determined schedule for the day. By doing this, you will limit the need of making decisions every now and then about what you need to do next, and when the time comes to get the work done, you make the decision to complete it and are ready to take action. 

That was all for today's post and I hope the next time you get a jumpstart fuel in your motivation when you feel down. Keep hustling! Peace 💪💜


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